A special bus lane on the Trieste-Poreč route has been introduced at the beginning of July 2021, for the purpose of transporting passengers and...
Dear users of the biking and hiking path Parenzana! We want to inform you that works are in progress in the Milanezi industrial zone in the...
September 7th 2020 - January 15th 2021 Works on...
We would like to inform you that a promotional video will be made on Sunday, February 2nd...
15.12.2019. Buje-BuieHiking campaign...
29.09.2019. VižinadaRecreational cycling...
28.04.2019. Jama BaredineMTB and hiking...
27.04.2019. Kanegra -...
22.04.2019. Vižinada - VisinadaMTB Recreational bicycle...
Increased Parenzana users safety...
19.10.-21.10.2018. Poreč, Vižinada, Funtana, Vrsar, Tar-Vabriga, Grožnjan International MTB...
Museum Lapidarium, Veliki trg 8a, NovigradDuration: 14/09/2018 - 07/10/2018Exhibition open: 14/09/2018 at 7 pm at Museum...